inside a typical day at camp

To suit the needs of your schedule, we offer half-day sessions (9a-12p or 1p-4p) and full-day sessions (9a-4p). No two days (or even morning/afternoon sessions) of camp are the same, with each day featuring a different theme and different activities.

Below is a sample schedule for a day of camp.

schedule is Subject to change based on the exact activities planned for the day.

a note on field journals: on the first day of camp, all campers will be given field journals that we will personalize and decorate for use throughout the week. We will use these journals as the foundation of our nature studies. For the younger kids, journals will be more drawing-based. Older kids will have the option of using both drawings and words. Our journals are intended to help campers remember the lessons we learned, to teach about the use of field journals in nature studies, and to promote daily reflection and mindfulness.



In order to accommodate busy schedules, Morning drop-off can begin at 8:30 am.

stretches and deep breaths to warm up our bodies

Discuss the theme of the day and plan for the day

Journal Activity, setting an intention for the day

mindfulness walk


hands-on LEsson based on the theme of the day.

for example, one theme will be ‘native trees’. The lesson will include an overview of the native trees in our area followed by an identification walk on the trail. We will learn identification based on factors such as height, leaf pattern, bark, etc.


snack break

snacks can be packed or campers can choose from provided healthy snacks (trail mix, fruit bars, fresh organic fruit, etc.)

theme-related activity/craft.

for example, continuing with the tree theme from above, our craft for the day could be creating artwork or collages with fallen leaves that we collect on our lesson walk.



after the activity/craft is wrapped up, we will engage in a group reflection discussion.

the discussion will include a summary of our day and what we learned.

we will also complete a brief reflective journal entry in our field journals.

campers who are signed up for half-day mornings will be picked up at this time.

campers staying for full days will have a lunch break from 12-1 pm.

The lunch break will start with a brief gratitude check-in.

Depending on when everyone is done eating lunch, we will play a group game!

12 pm


afternoon campers arrive

activities from here are the same as the morning but will feature different content/lessons/crafts/activities.

stretches and deep breaths to warm up our bodies

Discuss the theme of the day and plan for the day

Journal Activity, setting an intention for the day

mindfulness walk


hands-on Lesson based on the theme of the day.

for example, the theme for the afternoon may be “flowers and pollinators”. Our lesson will include a discussion and overview of the role of pollinators in our ecosystem, as well as identification of flowers and their different parts.


snack break!

snacks can be packed or campers can choose from provided healthy snacks (trail mix, fruit bars, fresh organic fruit, etc.)

theme related activity and/or craft

for example, continuing with the pollinator/flower theme from above, our craft for the day could be tie-dyeing with handmade plant dyes.

Another craft for this theme is creating wildflower seed bombs for campers to plant on their own!

2:45-3:45 pm


reflection discussion


reflective journal entry


parent pick-up

in order to accommodate busy schedules, parent pick-up can be as late as 4:30pm.